Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Favorite Sentimental Moment


Favorite phone call: I was drunk and celebrating my birthday in Wendover with my friends. We text the whole time I was in the casino and every time I would lose signal, I’d move to a machine closer to the doors so I could keep talking to you. Eventually I called you, because I knew you’d be awake. I could always count on you to be awake at ridiculous times. I was mad that we weren’t together, and said that we should be, and I didn’t want to wait, and that I cared a lot about you. You told me you felt the exact same way. (little did I know that meant we agreed to be in a relationship)

Favorite silly moment: This was the last time you were here visiting me. We spent the day in Park City and decided to go to O’Shucks bar and grill. After playing pool we sat in the booth to talk and finish our beers and spent the next 45 mins. throwing peanuts at your face and us both trying to push the peanut shells into each others laps.

Favorite sex: All of it haha jk although I’ve enjoyed it every single time, this one tops it. This was the last time you were out here to visit. We were goofing off in the bedroom and I kept denying you, and every time I did you pulled me back in until I couldn’t take anymore. I was falling off the bed, and you still continued to tease me and it quite honestly drove me wild. That was the most fun and the best sex I’ve ever had.

Favorite hand hold: This is a tie between two. First one was your last morning in Utah. We were at breakfast at Vertical Diner and waiting for our pancakes. I had my hands on the table infront of yours and we were both starving waiting for our food. You reached across unexpectedly for my hands and held them, it was the first time you initiated holding my hand in public. Second was when we were leaving the science and industry museum. We were walking to the car, and you were a couple steps behind me, out of nowhere you walked up to my side and took my hand in yours and I didn’t even see it coming. I had an amazing time with you in the museum, but walking with you hand in hand through the parking garage afterwards was my favorite part about that.

Favorite smile: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 around 10:30PM. I was walking to the baggage claim and trying to find you. I felt so lost and I was literally turning in circles trying to find you. When I saw you walking towards me, you were smiling so hard. You looked so happy and excited and you were seriously beaming. I have never seen you smile as big as you did that night.

Favorite moment: We were laying in bed my first night in Chicago and you were holding me. You told me that your heart was beating fast, and that it was beating fast when you saw me at the airport, and that I made your heart beat fast. My heart stopped and fell even more in love with you than I was before.

Favorite reassurance: We had just gotten in a fight New Year’s Eve, and I was still upset. You were trying to reassure me that we would be okay and things would work out (and tell me that I was being ridiculous), but I was still upset. So you wrapped your arms around me, pulling me to you and you held me. You kissed my head and whispered that everything would be okay, and there was no doubt then that it would be.

Favorite hug: It was the first time we had met when you came to Utah. You came down the escalator and I was so nervous I could barely see straight. You walked up to me and I started to freeze up. You kissed me, nervously (no denying it), and my heart thud. Then you set your bag down and hugged me, and I felt so at home in your arms. Standing there hugging, you said “you weren’t lying, you really do smell like coconuts and vanilla”. It was then that I knew our agreeing to be together before we had met, was the right decision.

Favorite kiss: We were leaving the Willis Tower gift shop and going to the car. You grabbed me in the hallway and while we were still walking you were kissing me, since we seemed to have struggled walking and kissing, we stopped and you REALLY kissed me. I got light headed, and giddy inside, and was the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. At that moment, I decided you were the last guy I wanted to kiss.


This was full of beautiful sentiments and it is very touching. I wasn't expecting this at all and it was great to read. I remember each moment vividly and agree that they are all wonderful memories. I would like to add that my favorite pool games were the ones we played that evening in Park City. That was also the night of my favorite meal. Not at the restaurant, although that was great. The best meal was after sex that night, we grabbed the leftovers and ate them on the couch at like 2:30 in the morning. Leftovers never tasted so good... My favorite smile is from my first visit when we were in the hotel room. While in bed, I was staring into your eyes which caused you to smile. It may have been a nervous smile, but it was beautiful... I can't pick out one favorite moment, because my favorite is each night we sleep together. I love feeling your body pressed against me with my arm wrapped around you, holding you close. Sometimes I wish the morning wouldn't arrive, because I want to keep holding you like that... My favorite silly email was after my last day at work (the first time). I felt bummed because I thought I wouldn't hear from you again but when I got home there was an email from you with a Star Wars Stormtrooper on it telling me to cheer up. It did cheer me up because I knew at that point we had a lasting bond... My favorite kiss is difficult to choose because they have all been fantastic, but I think my favorite kiss will be the next one.

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