Monday, October 12, 2009

Deep breaths.... I can do this

Okay... I... am a bit freaked that I'm writing this right now, but like I said earlier, I just need to get everything off my mind. And with this one I'm going to be completely blunt, and not hold back anything. I won't lie, I hesitated writing the last couple and cleaned it up a bit... With this one though, I'm going to be very forward and want you to know that this is completely heartfelt and I hope you don't think of less of me in any way. I'm going to clear this up now, if at any point in the future you think that I may have changed my mind, I haven't. I want you, I want only you, I don't want anybody else, I don't want to be with anybody else, and if I have to wait to be with you, I will. I have absolutely no problem in the world waiting for you. I will never lie to you, and if at any point you think I may be, ask me. I'm the worst liar in the world, and I can't lie with really anybody. You especially. There's one major thing that's been scaring me alot lately, really just the past 5 days or so, and it's my feelings for you. I am head over heels type of smitten with you. Some times I don't even realize how much I've fallen for you, and then when I think about it, I get completely baffled and giddy and petrified and... happy... the part that scares me about it the most though, is some times we'll be talking, and with you I some times don't even think about what I'm saying because it all comes so naturally, but on a couple of occasions I've got myself in the middle of typing I love you... or one night I almost said it on the phone. I may, or I may not, I could really lust you... I don't know... I do know, that I'm having a hard time not saying it, but at the same time it's easy... because I love what we have, and I don't want to risk scaring you away, or me. You're such an important part of my life now, and it was all so unexpected. When we first started talking I came into this thinking that you made me laugh, and I wanted to be your friend... These feelings, and wanting something exclusive with you, or getting closer then a friend connection were nowhere on my mind or what I anticipated would come out of us talking. I am SO glad that it did though. I really am :) I don't regret anything that happened between us, and I hope that more does happen.
PS: here's the link to that video I was telling you about.... so cute. ha

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