Thursday, October 29, 2009

I can't even pretend to joke this time....

All day I've felt like you can't stand me. I've been so upset over it, and you didn't realize it even when I told you upfront. All you told me is that your head hurt, and I'm sure it did, but you really took it out on me today. I've never felt as if we've grown apart as much as we did today. When you finally started to get out of your funk I was ecstatic to get you back, and then my phone started to die and I my ears and neck were hurting so I asked you to get online. What a bad idea that was! You instantly started to act like you were... I don't know... you wanted nothing to do with me. I'm not exaggerating this time, if you heard your tone you would have been offended too. It was entirely heart wrenching and I'm stuck here crying, wanting to break up with you, and delete you from my life, but I'm trying not to because I care about you. It's hard not to though, because it feels like you don't care about me at all right now. I don't know why you would though, I really am just a waste of time and effort. I know you don't like needy people, and I guess I'm just too needy and pushy and pathetic, so... I'm not going to make you suffer through it any more... sorry I put you through everything you had to endure. I'm off to cry myself to sleep now.


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