Monday, October 12, 2009

I am such a pansy

so you know how we were going to discuss the whole exclusive stuff this morning on the phone? Well, I got scared.... and pretty much spent the whole time avoiding bringing it up, but at the same time trying to force myself to spit it out. Cowering won though. :( Sad... some times I have a hard time discussing certain things on the phone haha in case you didn't notice. So what I'm going to do, is blog this and send it your way. Alright, so, us... being exclusive.... what should we do? Nothing still? I guess that's really all I wanted to get out last night, but the subject was brought up and dropped so fast that I felt that you didn't want to really talk about it any further. And you don't have to if you don't want to, really, you don't even have to reply to this. Just let me know you won't be replying to it. Alright, back on track.... so what do you want to do as far as being exclusive goes? I'm honestly happy either way, as long as we're still talking... I just would like to be committed to you. I don't have to be though, so please, don't freak out that I just said that. This is making me nervous, I'm not even really saying this to you directly and I'm worrying about being rejected. Even if you do though, really, I'm okay with it, so don't feel like I'm trying to put any pressure on you please. I'm rambling... I'm sorry, I do that when I get nervous ha... You actually make me alot more nervous then you may think, or I let off... unless you've caught onto it by now haha It's a good nervous though! so no worries..... I have to say that I'm having a really hard time concentrating on my work this morning. Every time I get a new email I have to look to see if it's you haha or I just can't stop thinking about you, and then feeling confused about... I don't know what to call it... ha! you just emailed me and now I finally feel complete lol I think this blog may grow today with multiple posts... I have alot on my mind, most of it about you, and I need to get it all out, but I can only write so much at one time before I need to get back to work... so I'm ending this, but leaving you with, what the hell are we doing? We covered how we feel, but not what we're doing.... and so... I'm confused... :( Got anything for me?

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