Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sometimes I just don't know

I struggle so hard in the mornings not to think about you, but I guess it's not so bad since every thought of you puts a smile on my face, and I really don't see anything wrong with that. It's crazy that we can have conversations all day and never run out of something to talk about. I never feel like I've had enough of you when we talk either. If anything, it's as if I'm not getting enough of you. That sounds so bad now that I've put it out there haha I suddenly feel like a stalker. YIKES! please don't hold that against me. Let's just move past that, okay? Okay... so.. some times... just thinking about you leaves me speechless and smiling. I don't even have to think too deep into anything to get that way... it's crazy... I can't believe how hard and fast I've fallen for you too. It was all just one big surprise, that caught me completely off guard. Everything has been so quick that I didn't see it coming. I've been thinking though..... I feel like I want to be exclusive, but I can't ask you because... well... we're suppose to spend time together first, and after all that we just cleared up, it's just too much to ask of you or me. What are your thoughts on this anyways? I mean, have you thought about this at all? I would probably say you haven't.... mhm.. yep... and this is where things get awkward... maybe I shouldn't have brought that up? Oh well, no back spacing now! I think I don't want to embarass myself anymore... so... lay it on me. Judgement time.

I like it when you're pushy and forceful :) it turns me on

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